I can’t even believe that I’m saying this, but our sweet boy is 1! In true global pandemic fashion, we were not able to throw him the party we hoped for and weren’t able to have everyone we wanted there, but I keep telling myself that he is too little to remember. At the end of the day, the party turned out great and I loved getting to spend some time with close family and friends.
Our theme ended up being James’ Rookie Year. At first, I wasn’t sure about doing a sports theme… What if he doesn’t even like sports!? but since Nick played baseball in college, I felt a bit nostalgic about the idea and went for it! It ended up being pretty simple to execute, which was good because we JUST got through Christmas (which we were quarantined for), and time just got away from me. I had some matching shirts made, found some cute decor on Etsy and everything shipped super quickly!
We had a great time and I loved celebrating this absolute gift of a boy. His sister usually commands center stage so I was happy to give him a day that was all about him.

Rookie Year Banner | Letter Board | Matching T-Shirts | J Hat
Cake, Cookies & Cupcakes: DeEtta’s Bakery
I also had a little at-home impromptu photoshoot for James on his birthday! Here are some of my favs from that.