After a VERY long hiatus from my little blog (oh, just nearly 2 years), I decided to come back here to document some of the things I have been working on lately. The latest project and the one that inspired me to come back is my 19 month old (yes I am now one of those moms who counts age in months) daughter, Harper’s, room!
We decided to move her across the hall since we are expecting our second child in January and wanted to have the new baby’s nursery closer to our room. Not to mention that her old room shares a wall with our master bedroom and we didn’t want the new baby waking Harper up every 5 seconds in the beginning while he is staying in a bassinet in our room…
Here is what her room looked like before the move. I am definitely going to miss her having that gorgeous charcoal wall!

This is what the new room looked like before. It was one of our guest rooms before, and this picture was taken after we had moved a lot of decor out already.

And here she is in all her glory! After just a little bit of coaxing, Hubs accomplished this gorg paint job (normally I would do the painting, but you know, pregnant…) and we moved all of her stuff over! We added a few new touches to match the different feel of this room, but most of her things are the same. Sources are at the bottom of this post if you’re interested!
Just a few finishing touches are left (knobs on new closet doors and new blackout curtains), but we are so happy with it! Hope you like it too!

Crib | Glider | Side Table | Dresser | Dresser Knobs |Window Bench | Letter Print | Big Floral Prints | Rug